
Get Started With UNITY !

  Unity is a game engine for both 3D and 2D games, it has all the necessary tools to create a stunnig game for mobile, VR, desktop, console, and the TV platforms plus the Web, so don't worry if you're a totally beginner, you don't need to be a professional programmer to start with unity, when i started my first game i had no idea about C# ( which is the programming language for Unity, or JavaScrip), I just started messing around, and actually found it easy and fun ! after few tutorial videos i made my first game. To get started with Unity,  download it HERE , it's Free and priceless ;) once you download your version, install it as well as Visual Studio which you'll be writing your code in. After you set up all what you need, you may be wondering where to start right ? fortunately there are tons and tons of tutorials that will teach you a lot of new things, but that makes it a bit averwhelming i know. but Unity Learn is here to guide you and provide you w